What meals / food do we provide?
For children under the age of one we ask that you provide all food and drinks which your child will require throughout the day.
For all children over the age of one we provide a full daily menu including Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks throughout the day. All meals are prepared using fresh ingrediants by Breadwinners Nursery Caterers. All meals provided by Breawinners meet and often exceed the current nutritional guidelines as recommended in "Nutritional Guidance and Food Standards for Early Years Childcare Providers in Scotland". Breadwinners cater for all individual religious and cultural requirements as well as dietry and allergen needs, with their chefs designing approriate similar alternatives for each child.
More information about Breadwinners can be found here:
Breadwinners Nursery Catering | Glasgow
Children who are approaching their first birthday will be offered “Taster Sessions” of nursery food to help them adapt to the new tastes and textures. Only when they are ready will we then move them onto our full nursery menus.
What should you provide for your child?
A change of clothes: We do carry out a lot of messy activities, so this is always useful no matter what age your child.
Suitable clothing for outdoor play: warm jackets, gloves, hats etc for the winter and sun cream / sun hat for the summer.
Nappies, creams, wipes etc.
All medications.
All food and drinks for under one’s and bottles of milk for those over 1 year if still required.
Please ensure all items are labelled as we cannot accept responsibility for items lost which are not clearly marked with your child’s name.